Friday, December 07, 2007

Christmas Party #1

Ive actually got 3 'parties' to go to this year. Thats 3 more than any other year!! I went out and bought a new top and pants and after party #3, these items will become work clothes!

A trip on the harbour was the destination for Bretts work party. This is the Harbour Ballroom. Guess who forgot they get seasick!? I went downstairs to the loo when we first boarded and it was soooo hot and stuffy down there, I raced back up to the top deck as quick as I could cause I knew if I stayed downstairs Id never last the night. I went back inside for the meal and just kept going in and out. Gorgeous views, Bretts workmates are pretty kewl and hilariously funny at times. No wonder he likes his job!

We definately have the best harbour in the world!!

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