Monday, December 24, 2007

Clarke Christmas

Bretts family came over including his grandma. Bec, Sarah and Nic were with their dad so missed out. Had a good day. Renee played with S & R. Bretts sister is on a tight budget (insert poor uni student) and did a fantastic job framing pictures for everyone. I cried when I opened ours. It had the girls plus her boys plus Bretts older girls. No sarah though as she couldnt find a decent photo of her. Plenty of food left over as usual. Never mind, we will just have to live on Ham for a while!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Robinson Christmas

Spent the day at my Brother M's house over on the other side of Sydney. Takes around an hour and I ALWAYS get lost one street away from his house. I always take a wrong turn that close. Anyway, we took both cars as we don't all fit in one. Had a good time. M and S are great company and the kids all get on great. This year his brother and sister were also there. There are 2 other brothers and 1 other sister, not my siblings, they are M's natural siblings. His sister had her 2 kids there so Bec wasn't the oldest anymore. We had a leisurely lunch, opened presents and ran in and out of the house while it did and didnt rain. We are getting very strange weather at the moment.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Schools out for Summer/Christmas party #3

All 4 girls are done for 2007. We have 2 more family events before Christmas next Tuesday. The older 3 will be with their dad for Christmas eve and then back here sometime on Christmas Day. I think they are back and forward a few times these hols, but ex only lives in next suburb so not a major problem. Plus we are off to Queensland on January 14th...wooooo!

Third Christmas party was my work one, for the staff. Daytime one and spouses/signifcant others not invited. We always do the Kris Kringle thing. This year I got a wedding picture with mine and Robbie Williams face superimposed on the bride and grooms faces. Very funny! Nice food, good Comany, plenty of laughs. Work is now closed until January 7th (1 week longer than usual) but S and I will be going back on Jan 2nd as we can catch up on fiddly things that get left behind with the usual day to day stuff. Plus we need the money!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Party #2

This wasn't a Christmas Party as such, it was the clients Christmas Party for the firm I work for. Not compulsary for staff but it would be a good idea if you went (if you know what I mean!)
Wasn't a bad night, good food, chatted with a few clients, watched Santa grope a few people and left around 11pm.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Presentation Day (last one!)

Went to the High School again, this time for the regular presentation day. Sarah received an award for Mandatory Technology. No idea what she learnt, but obviously she did well!! hehe

Friday, December 14, 2007

Year 10 Graduation Ceremony

Year 10 is over and Rebecca successfully passed her School Certificate! Woohoo! Her marks were quite good, especially compared to the trial results she got a month ago. phew

The ceremony was good, they were all called up individually to receive their certificates. Typically I was having a blury photo day so I took a pic later in front of the tree! She is now on hols a week earlier than her sisters.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Year 10 Formal

Hair appointment, makeup appointment then photos all completed by 5.30pm on a school afternoon!!

Bec looked beautiful, even her dad said so. Took her to her friends house and 3 girls drove off to the formal in a Red Monaro (I should be impressed apparantly but a car is a car) Took the Nic and Renee to the High School to see all the kids arriving. Was great fun to see them looking all grown up.

When I picked her up, Bec said it was great fun but over too soon. Sure sign of a good party! One more day to go and she has finished Year 10 and also finished at this High School.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

2 Down, 2 to go

Nic and Renee had their presentation days today. Both girls received an award which is kewl.

Photo was taken late this afternoon which is why Renee looks a bit scruffy.

Tomorrow night is Becs Year 10 Formal so it will be a hectic afternoon.

Monday, December 10, 2007


I definately don't bounce back from concerts like I used to. Saturday I was exhausted, but still had to go shopping with Bec to get her nails done and also find her some shoes for the Formal. Formal is 3 sleeps away. Sarah brought a note home saying she is getting an award next week so has been a successful year for all 4 girls.

Packing ebay orders tonight, that is the downside of sales lol. Have some auctions on at the moment but will probably not do anymore until after we have been to Queensland in January. By the time the listings end and people get around to paying we will be off on hols.

Managed to find a Baby Alive doll for Renee for Xmas. Also spotted a Digital Photo frame for Bec, a spur of the moment thing. She is proving the most difficult to buy for this year. Nic is easy, anything Veronicas and anything High School Musical.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Dancing Concert

Went down to the Sutherland area to watch step daughters in their end of year concert. J & L did well as usual, they do all sorts including singing, drama and Irish dancing. Renee has now asked to do dancing next year. I think Little Athletics has run its course so we might swap over. Chatted with the girls for a while afterwards, was good to see them again. Brett has said that 2008 is the year to sort out his access, finances willing of course.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Im Awesome

Well, for a couple of hours tonight I was! I took Nicola to see The Veronicas at the Hordern Pavilion. I'm not a huge fan but Nic is and its part of her Christmas gifts so I made the ultimate sacrifice hehe Just her and me which was kewl, Renee wanted to come but she was just way to young. Anyway, we had great seats, it was very loud and I must admit they are pretty good. Took some photos afterwards of Nic in front of the stage, then we queued forever to get her a tshirt and she used some of her own money (still left over from her b'day in September) to buy a poster. The concert finished at 10pm and we left the Hordern at 10.40! We had to go past the back bit of the Hordern and just happened to see one of The Veronicas walking back inside. There was crowd by the fence and we waited with them for a while. Dean Geyer who is apparently from Aussie Idol a few years ago was one of the support acts (we missed him) and he came over to the fence and Nic got his autograph and hopefully a pic (I'm too tired to check the camera now). Then one of The Veronicas came out and Nic got the autograph, and then finally the other Veronica! So Nic saw them in concert, then up close plus got autographs. By the time The Veronicas came out and over to us the crowd had dwindled to about 10-15 so it was easy to get the autographs. They are so tiny lol Back to the car by 11.14pm and home just over an hour later (grr road works) Anyway, at this moment in time in the eyes of Nicola - I am awesome!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Christmas Party #1

Ive actually got 3 'parties' to go to this year. Thats 3 more than any other year!! I went out and bought a new top and pants and after party #3, these items will become work clothes!

A trip on the harbour was the destination for Bretts work party. This is the Harbour Ballroom. Guess who forgot they get seasick!? I went downstairs to the loo when we first boarded and it was soooo hot and stuffy down there, I raced back up to the top deck as quick as I could cause I knew if I stayed downstairs Id never last the night. I went back inside for the meal and just kept going in and out. Gorgeous views, Bretts workmates are pretty kewl and hilariously funny at times. No wonder he likes his job!

We definately have the best harbour in the world!!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Trimming the Tree 07

(Pics from the weekend)

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

This decoration was made by my
motherinlaw, many years ago.

Finishing Touch!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Woohoo, 2 days in a row

Busy at work. Everyone is winding down their business for the year so of course don't want audits lol

Maz popped in with Sandy for dinner. We'll catch up with Sandy again on Christmas

Tomorrow Bec if off into Sydney for lunch with her Food Tech class and Nicola is
going to Windsor for an Art day so needless to say, I can't go to work.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Been a while

I can't seem to stick to the Blog thing. I love reading other peoples and stuff does happen during the day that I would like to remember as my memory is S*&T!

Whats happened since February?

Im now 40 lol. We've had 3 Birthday parties including mine. Bec is already planning her 16th for next February.

The girls are doing great at school. Both N & R are receiving awards at the end of School presentations so that should be kewl. Bec will graduate Year 10 in 2 weeks and then school is done for her. The others have 3 weeks left.

I am taking N to see The Veronicas this Friday as part of her Xmas present. I bought tickets for Bec and S for Kelly Clarkson for Christmas although the concert isnt until March next year.

Chez is pregnant with #3. She is also 40. No way could I do the baby thing again. I have every intention of getting slightly clucky with her bub though.

Three quarters of the Christmas shopping is done, we are seeing Matt and family on December 22nd and then Bretts family will be here on the 24th.

Oh and we are still broke