Saturday, March 01, 2008

Fairly quiet day. Mainly housework. The Menu plan for this week didn't quite work. Still made all the meals except tonight we had fish and chips.

Ive now got 2 choices in my head for TAFE/UNI courses to do. I need to make up my mind soon. The Uni course is only 1 unit and doesn't seem to be connected to a Bachelor of something. Although it can be included in a Bachelor of General studies. The TAFE courses are Information Technology ones. Basically I want to do Websites. The making of, design of etc etc. I taught myself HTML long ago and want to expand on that. I also want to know how to get the sites up on the web etc. The Uni Unit covers all that but is not connected to anything else and the TAFE courses briefly touch on that once I get to the 3rd level. The TAFE one can be paid for in 2 instalments but the Uni one can be deferred like a HECS debt although its called something else.
Both can be done at home. TAFE through OTEN and the Uni one is Open University.

Im going to pick Chez's brain tomorrow as she has both done Uni and teaches at TAFE


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