Monday, March 03, 2008


Breakfast meeting for work, then a choice of Chocolate Mud Cake, Caramal Mud Cake or Coffee cake for morning tea. Our receptionist couldn't decide which cake was suitable for my birthday so she bought some of each. A few phone calls with many people singing Birthday greetings down the phone. Good fun! Bec was the only one up when I left before 7am and she had bought me a card plus some Toblerone and Ferrero Rocher.
Had to postpone the Optometrist visit till tomorrow as even though Nics glasses are ready, I didn't have any money to pay for them. Grrrrr! Had a nap instead lol!!
Maz came over for dinner and bought me some chocolate (are you sensing a theme?) and also replenished my Kahlua supply!! Woohoo!!
All in all, it was good Birthday!


emzed said...

Eating chocolate is a great way to spend your birthday!!!

Cez said...

Sounds like you had a great day yesterday Ann. What a smart friend of yours at work choosing all three cakes! Yum yum!!