Thursday, December 01, 2005

Spiralling out of control

Is that how you spell 'spiralling'...Ive no idea

Anyway, thats life at the moment. Still struggling with day shift rather than evening shift. I used to get a heap more done. Now no one is home during the day and even though Im home after school time Im exhausted. Oh well, Welcome to the real world eh??!!

The choc party season is over thank goodness. Sold most of my stock at the fund raiser on Friday night. What is it with older people and ginger? Will I like ginger when Im in my 70's?? Anyway, no use getting any more stock in now with heat on its way! Im thinking of paying off the rest of my kit and starting fresh next year earning the full percentage commission and really having a proper go of it. Ill reassess at the end of next year whether its worth the trouble.

Keep getting calls from the people that run the stitches and craft shows to see if I want a stall in August 2006 at Rose Hill. Its such a big and expensive step. Ive called C and we will discuss it as I told her I had plans for her in August!!

School only has 3 weeks to go! Woohoo!!! Im gonna cry like a baby on the 19th on S's last day of Primary school. Ill have 2 in High School next year...surely Im too young!!

Im just trying to load up my ebay store with the Eyelets that don't sell very well. Ill keep about 9-10 packs and then sell the rest off in bulk lots then get new stuff in. Brads are selling really well so Ill get more varieties of those I think. Hopefully Ill get it done by the end of the weekend.

Going up the mountains to do a Card Making course on Saturday. Will take N with me, but told S nd R they could stay home if they preferred. B is taking little R to see his older 2 in their dance concert. I would love to go too as we haven't seen them ALL YEAR (stomp stomp!!) but at $25 a ticket we just can't afford it. At least this way R will see her other sisters at least once this year!!!

Back to ebay!

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